Order a Video

CPAC-produced programming* can be purchased as outlined below:

To order a copy of a CPAC program, use our searchable database to find the program you wish to purchase and send your request by email to comments@cpac.ca.

For copies of Supreme Court of Canada hearings, requests should be directed to (613) 996-7642 or by email at reception@scc-csc.ca.

For copies of House of Commons proceedings (including Question Period) and House of Commons committees, please contact House of Commons Broadcasting Services at (613) 995-1318.

For copies of Senate proceedings and Senate committees, please consult the Senate's Permission Regarding the Reproduction of the Proceedings of the Senate and its Committees webpage and fill out the Senate's Intellectual property request form. For any questions, please contact copyright@sen.parl.gc.ca.

For all other information about our programming, please call CPAC's Viewer Services at 1-877-287-2722 (CPAC).

* Note: Exclusions include House of Commons/Senate proceedings and/or committees; Supreme Court of Canada hearings; as well as any other third-party productions for which CPAC does not hold the rights.

To obtain the rate card for business, commercial or broadcast use of CPAC programming, please send your request to: businessaffairs@cpac.ca

Individuals or organizations wishing to post a complete CPAC program on a non-commercial public Internet site must obtain a licence. For terms and conditions and fee information, please send your request to: businessaffairs@cpac.ca